Is It Cheaper to Mix Your Own Concrete or Have It Delivered?

Is It Cheaper to Mix Your Own Concrete or Have It Delivered?

Concrete is a versatile and indispensable building material that has found numerous applications in construction projects of varying scales, from small patios and driveways to towering skyscrapers and massive bridges. Its strength, durability, and cost-effectiveness have made it a preferred choice for builders and architects alike.

In order to obtain concrete for such projects, there are primarily two options: either mix it yourself or have it delivered. Both options have their own advantages and drawbacks, and the choice of which to go for depends largely on your budget and the size and complexity of your project.

Mixing your own concrete

The materials needed to make concrete are readily available at most hardware stores, including cement, sand, and aggregate. The cost of these materials will vary depending on your location, but in general, you can expect to pay between $50 and $100 per cubic yard of concrete. However, like any other construction material, it has its pros and cons.

Learn: why is concrete a popular building material

The upside

  1. Cost-effective: The most apparent benefit of mixing your own concrete is the cost savings. You can purchase cement, sand, and aggregate in bulk, which is cheaper than buying pre-mixed bags of concrete. Additionally, you can control the amount of each ingredient to suit your specific needs, thereby minimizing wastage.
  2. Flexibility: Mixing your own concrete gives you the flexibility to customize the mix to your project’s requirements. For example, if you are building a foundation in an area with poor soil conditions, you can add more cement to increase the strength of the mix.
  3. Learning Experience: It can be a valuable learning experience, especially if you are a DIY enthusiast. It can help you understand the material’s properties, the importance of proper mixing and curing, and the role of different ingredients in achieving the desired results.
  4. Control Over Quality: By mixing your own concrete, you have complete control over the quality of the material. You can inspect each ingredient before adding it to the mix and ensure that they are of the desired quality and consistency.

The downside

  • Labor-intensive: It’s no easy task. In fact, it can be physically demanding and time-consuming, especially for larger projects. You will need to rent or purchase equipment like a mixer, a wheelbarrow, and shovels and mix the ingredients in the right proportions to achieve the desired consistency.
  • Skill and Experience: Mixing concrete requires a certain level of skill and experience to get it right. The mix proportions, the order of adding the ingredients, and the mixing time can all affect the quality of the final product.
    Any mistakes or inconsistencies in the mix can compromise the project’s structural integrity.
  • Equipment Costs: While it can be cost-efficient in the long run, mixing your own concrete requires an upfront investment in equipment. Additionally, you will need to factor in the cost of transporting and storing the ingredients.
  • Time-sensitive: Concrete is a time-sensitive material, and the clock starts ticking once the ingredients are mixed. You will need to work quickly to pour, level, and finish the concrete before it sets, which can be challenging for larger projects.

Having concrete delivered

Having concrete delivered is a convenient option, particularly for larger projects. When you order concrete from a supplier, they will deliver it directly to your project site in a mixer truck. This eliminates the need for you to mix the concrete yourself, saving you time and effort.

The cost of having concrete delivered will vary depending on several factors, including the amount of concrete you need, the delivery distance, and the current market price for concrete in your area. There are several benefits and drawbacks to having concrete delivered, and it’s important to weigh both before deciding.

The upside

  • Convenience: Having concrete delivered to your site is incredibly convenient. You don’t have to worry about sourcing or transporting the materials to your site. The concrete will be delivered right to your doorstep, making the entire process hassle-free.
  • Speed: When you have concrete delivered, you can save a significant amount of time. The concrete will arrive at your site ready to use, so you won’t have to mix or prepare it for use.
  • Consistency: You can be sure that the mix will be consistent. The concrete will be mixed in a controlled environment, ensuring that the mix is perfect for your needs. Choose Ready Mix Concrete London for quality you can trust.
  • Cost-effective: Ordering concrete in bulk can be more cost-effective than buying bags of concrete from a hardware store. The larger the order, the cheaper the price per cubic yard. 

The downside

  1. Limited timeframe: Once the concrete is delivered, you have limited time to work with it before it starts to set. You must be prepared to work quickly and efficiently to ensure the concrete is properly placed and finished.
  2. Inaccurate estimations: If you’re not sure how much concrete you need, you might end up ordering too much or too little. This can be costly and strenuous, as you might need to order additional concrete or dispose of excess material.
  3. Logistics: Delivering concrete requires specialized equipment, such as concrete mixers and pump trucks. If your site is hard to access, you might need to pay extra for the delivery.
  4. Environmental impact: The production of concrete has a significant environmental impact. It requires large amounts of energy and emits a substantial amount of carbon dioxide during manufacturing. This is something to keep in mind if you’re concerned about your carbon footprint.

The takeaway

Deciding whether to mix your concrete or have it delivered is not a straightforward decision. It depends on several factors such as the size and scope of your project, availability of resources and equipment, experience and skills, and budget.

Mixing your own concrete can save you money if you have the time, skills, and equipment needed to do it properly. However, it can also be messy, time-consuming, and prone to error. Having concrete delivered, on the other hand, is convenient, fast, and consistent, but it can also be costly, require logistical planning, and have environmental impacts. Ultimately, it’s important to consider both options carefully and choose the one that best suits your needs and priorities. Whether you decide to mix your own concrete or have it delivered, remember that safety should always be a top priority. Wear protective gear, follow proper mixing and pouring techniques, and consult with experts if needed. With proper planning and execution, you can have a successful concrete project that meets your expectations and budget.